
Fighting for Mental Health: First Signs of Bulimia and How to Get Support

Bulimia is a mental health condition called an eating disorder. A person with this disorder can overeat (binge eating) or undereat (purging) to control weight by over-exercising or making themselves sick. Bulimia can affect anyone irrespective of their gender, age, or ethnicity. It is a severe condition, but support is available to help anyone going through it. Some people have bulimia and don’t notice it. That is why it is crucial to recognize its signs to help mitigate the issue. The following are the first signs of bulimia and how to seek support.

  1. Eating Abnormal Amounts of Food and then Feeling Guilty About It

People with bulimia often take large amounts of food within a short time. They are unable to control their eating even when they feel uncomfortable. Strong feelings of shame and guilt then follow this. The person may then look for something to compensate for this. They can force themselves to vomit, over-exercise, and overuse laxatives. It is advisable to seek eating disorder therapy London. The experts will help mitigate the issue before it is too late.

  1. Abnormal Behavior Around Meals

Another sign of bulimia is unusual behavior during meals. For instance, if one locks themselves in the bathroom during meals or has a habit of hiding things to eat later, they could have bulimia. Showering immediately after meals, drinking excess fluids after eating, or eating privately can also indicate an eating disorder.

  1. Weakness and Dehydration

Overusing laxatives and self-induced vomiting can cause dehydration and weakness because the body is deprived of nutrients and water. In that case, the person may feel lightheaded and weak.

  1. Scars on Knuckles and Fingers

This happens with people who force themselves to vomit. Repeated vomiting causes irritation and discoloration on the knuckles or the back of the hands.

  1. Fear of Becoming Obese

If a person is constantly uncontrolled with their appearance or body shape, they could suffer from this eating disorder. Therefore, paying close attention to someone who keeps talking about dieting or their shape is advisable.

  1. Over-Exercising

A person who over-exercises does not necessarily mean they have this eating disorder. However, excess exercising caused by bulimia is a way of compensating for calories. The person may even be unable to stop exercising even after an injury.

  1. Social Isolation

Compensatory behavior like vomiting and over-exercising helps a person with bulimia cope. However, it is always accompanied by anxiety, stress, and depression. Therefore, the individual may isolate themselves socially, especially in places involving food.

  1. Dental Problems

This is a common issue among people who induce vomiting. Vomiting causes more acidity in the mouth, which results in tooth decay with time. It also causes erosion, discoloration, and tooth loss.

To Sum It Up

These signs could mean an eating disorder if you or someone else has these signs. It is crucial to get immediate help since bulimia causes long-term damage. Eating disorder therapy is critical to help deal with thoughts and destructive behaviors. Learning what the body needs and finding healthier ways to deal with the feelings is also advisable. If a friend or loved one has bulimia, advising them to seek professional help is vital.

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